As promised, we uploaded the endfight of UD now.
Shooting this film was absolutely exhausting and took very long. We also had several problems to solve before we could finish it. The endfight location was actually a private fishing ground and we had no persmission to shoot there. On our first day, we could manage to shoot quite a lot of the endfight but we were disturbed by a stupid ignorant fishermen the next day.  So we got into some discussions with the owners who finally told us we were not allowed to continue shooting. Nevertheless we already had done most of the takes and fortunately managed finishing all of it- doing it secretly, heheh...
One more thing about the location: During shooting the look of the location was changed heavily by some damn workers who had moved some oil barrels and metal scrap we were unable to relocate (they obviously used a machine for that). So, some careful viewers might notice the location changing all over from one take to the next! We had even considered giving up when we entered the location and found this mess! But actually its relatively unnoticable in the final product ;-)
Action- wise UD presents fairly standard 80s -action. We wanted to make the fight look a bit more brutal and spectacular throwing in some special moves/stunts here and there.
The complete film including a group fight and a few more action scenes will be available on the Everyone is Kung Fu fighting Vol. 4 DVD along with the endfight of Madman's Resurrection!